Faux Stained Glass

Faux stained glass is a cheaper alternative to the traditional stained glass we see in old churches and buildings.

Faux stained glass window

It allows anyone with an artistic flair to create their own unique designs. A few simple tools will be required to complete your stained glass.

You may also find it useful to use a pattern.  Free patterns are available at Delphi.

They also supply a range of tools you might need as well as courses to get you started.

There are 2 main methods - the first is to 'paint' on top of the glass and the second is to use coloured adhesive film.

The first step is always to ensure the glass panel is clean, smooth and even. Then sketch out your design on a sheet of paper the same size as the glass pane.

One method of creating your faux stained glass is by securing your design to the back of the glass, facing inwards. Then following the lines of your design use liquid leading to make the outline. Once the liquid is dry use coloured glass paints to fill in between the lines.

An alternative to liquid leading and glass paints is adhesive leading and coloured film. A cutting tool will be required when using the adhesive leading. A burnishing tool will also be required to finish any pieces of lead that are joined to leave a welded joint look.

As a matter of safety it is always advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using any materials or tools.

Crafting has become a very popular pastime for many people and the Internet is a great source of information to anyone looking to put their artistic talent to use. There are also many crafting books on sale offering hints and tips on this subject.

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